State Reports

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The ESD .NET 2.0 State Reporting Module benefits from the flexibility and power of our extensible Microsoft® SQL Server database to provide all mandatory state and federal reporting requirements. School districts rely on their student information system to provide accurate and timely submissions of student data to the state. Considering that the DOE determines the amount of funds districts receive based on FTE, the ESD .NET State Reporting Module is critical.

The accuracy of the information and programs necessary to process the data is kept updated at all times. ESD .NET has made a significant investment in order to meet the needs of school districts in each state. School districts facing time constraints, financial and human resource limitations now have a viable solution.

There are several compelling reasons why ESD .NET’s State Reporting module should be deployed within your district:

  • All data submission and validation requirements published by the Department of Education are satisfied and kept updated as changes are released.
  • The impact on district personnel is minimized to those who manage the data validation and file submission process. Training for these users is minimal and can be completed over a period of days, not weeks or months.
  • The State Reporting Module is a component each of ESD .NET’s Student Information and Human Resource Systems, a comprehensive suite of applications that includes the Administrative System, as well as Teacher, Student, and Parent Portals.

All DOE data elements can be viewed and modified within the ESD .NET State Reporting Module. For example: the ESD .NET Demographics screen shows how the student demographic data used in ESD .NET State Reporting for FTE and the Student Record can be easily viewed and edited all in one place. The field names closely match the DOE values, making it easy for the data operator to quickly reference those data elements used in FTE, Student and Teacher reporting. In the same way as the Demographics data is managed, the data operator can easily use the Enrollment, the Course, the Discipline, the Program, or the Special Education tab to view and/or edit the related data elements for the Student Record.

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